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[新聞] 8個清潔小竅門,讓你的房間煥然一新

Use an old pillowcase to clean up ceiling fan blades.Don’t you hate it when you try to clean a ceiling fan and get the dirt everywhere?


Try this: use an old pillowcase to cover the ceiling fan blades on both sides. This will collect all the dirt inside while still doing a bang up cleaning job.

Spray a mixture of vodka + essential oil to kill bacteria on old mattresses.The vodka kills the bacteria, the essential oil leaves it smelling nice.Remove dirty rings from the bathtub with grapefruit and salt.

Cut a grapefruit in half and sprinkle some salt on it. Scrub the bathtub with the fruit. The dirt will come right off, thanks to the acid in the grapefruit.

Use an air dryer to remove water rings from wood.Soak up all the moisture from water ring with a paper towel. Then, when the towel is still damp, run a hair dryer on it. The rings will go right away.

Use a piece of bread to pick up tiny pieces of broken glass.Fresh bread works best as it is juicy enough to mop up even the tiniest shards of glass.

Microwave wet sponges to kill germs.Just take your wet sponge and spin them in the microwave for 2 minutes. You’ll kill 99% of all germs.

Remove grease stains with white chalk.When you see a grease stain on your favorite clothing, cover it with white chalk. Let it rest for some time. Then wipe the chalk right away – along with the stain – with a damp paper towel.

Breathe new life into old leather furniture by brushing it with shoe polish.This one is easy enough to understand.Do let it dry out before sitting on it though!

本文來源 搜狐教育


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Tags: 清潔房間

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